The funny thing with derendering is that at times, I derender too much,
like a complete house at the Bower.
But.. that gives me to opportunity to show what its really about ,
those great heels from Azoury! They are called Ego and are in several colours.
They are sold at Marketplace or at their store for 399 L$.
The Bower at Hollowtree is nevertheless a great place to visit and play.
Members of Hollowtree are able to visit The Bower,
by using the teleporter and wearing the grouptag.
Its not too big, it has a lovely garden with a Pavillion from 8f8 (with the new Nightingale Cage from Stockholm & Lima, which is sold at Romp till the 29th and after that at the store) and some chairs and a couch from Dutchie, Stockholm & Lima and BN Inc.)
Stockholm&Lima: The Rocking Horse
The Scarlet Creative Lavender Brown House is amazing, it has several rooms which are all furnished with D/s inspired furniture and decorations by Sati.
It has even a secret room (hint: no books)!
A pleasure to be and who knows.. you might meet me...
taking pictures, derendering objects by accident or simply enjoying my time with Mr. S.
See you there !
At the Secret Room:
Dutchie bondage horse
*Artisan Fantasy* Capturado Cross
{RW} Tantra Chair
I'm wearing:
Salt & Pepper Zip it dress short Rare - Gacha item at the store
Maitreya Slouch Stockings Black * Lara Feet-High
Azoury - EGO Shoe Chocolate (links see above)