Mina Hair - Fitted mesh hair 'Kimmy' with full colour hud, sold for Bishbox*
Azoury - Necklace Cel
S&P top Ryan maitreya with hud (Old Romp item)
* BishBox is a monthly mystery box filled with high quality, original mesh clothing, accessories, skins, shoes, and hair for the wild and crazy grrrrls in Second Life. Using the same successful formula as SwagBag and Deco(c)rate, BishBox will deliver 15 top quality semi-exclusive items from SL’s best female designers directly to your inventory every month. BishBox HQ: maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Harms%20Way/71/164/1233
LISP - Mesh - Woodburner Noir
:Deadpool: Fun Rack
Taken at Bizarre & ...