Salt & Pepper Arielle top & bottom (maitreya) for Mermaid Cove Event
The item is water sensitive. If it gets in contact with SL default water it will turn to a mermaid look, drip and will also dry in the sun to its default colour again.
By default. it will take 90 seconds for it to dry.
Taking it off while in mermaid mode, it will stay as mermaid in your inventory. You actually have to wear it to dry again.
The item is water sensitive. If it gets in contact with SL default water it will turn to a mermaid look, drip and will also dry in the sun to its default colour again.
By default. it will take 90 seconds for it to dry.
Taking it off while in mermaid mode, it will stay as mermaid in your inventory. You actually have to wear it to dry again.
Includes a hud with several textures (wet, dry and dripping and mermaid)
Also wearing the new groupgift - Hip Wrap Sierra
turns also into mermaid with the hud.
Also wearing the new groupgift - Hip Wrap Sierra
turns also into mermaid with the hud.
RedFish - Tenta - Tattoo