dust bunny hanging flower pot blue
dust bunny hanging flower pot mint
[ keke ] glass vase w magnolias - blush
Big Bully Victorian Wireframe Lamp - Black at the Draftsman (129 L$)
Big Bully Victorian Wireframe Side Table - Black at the Draftsman (149 L$)
I'm wearing
S&P harness Venus *
.:Pulse:. Vanity Bra *
r2 A/D/E tokime panties black
r2 A/D/E tokime panties black
[CON] Vampire Gloves - Leather *
Avicandy Applier hud striped Lace stockings
febr 3rd - 28th - 410 L$ (8 colours)
Pose: An Lar the opaque series *
*sold at Romp